Contact Us

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When we meet
Second Monday of every month (except summer), 6:30pm

Our address
The Cambridge Masonic Hall Building
1950 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA

Whether you are looking for a masonic lodge to join for the first time, or if you are looking for a local lodge to affiliate with, Charity Lodge is the place for you if you are looking for fellowship with a group of men who are seeking to learn and live the principles of masonry–friendship, morality, and fraternal charity. We, as individuals and as a lodge, are constantly seeking to craft ourselves into more perfect examples of men and Masons.

If you are interested in becoming a Freemason, and believe that you are qualified, please contact us using the form on this page. You will be added to our potential candidates list and be contacted as soon as possible. You will have a chance to meet some of the members, and ask questions. If you are found qualified, you will receive the membership application.

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From Downtown Boston
Take the Longfellow Bridge over the Charles River.  Stay on Main St/Broadway to Hampshire St.  Take a Right on Hampshire street.

Hampshire becomes Beacon St.  Take a left at Somerville Ave.  Somerville Ave. merges with Mass. Ave. at Porter Square.  The lodge building is on the left hand side of the road about half a block north of Porter Square “T” Station.

From the T
Depart the Porter T station and go north on Mass Ave.  The lodge is a half a block or so on the left side of the road.


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